Key Takeaways from Cannes Lions Festival 2024


The Cannes LIONS Festival of Creativity 2024, a global event that celebrates creative minds in advertising and related industries, has once again proven to be a hub of innovation and forward-thinking ideas. This year’s festival was marked by several key themes, each highlighting the evolving landscape of the creative industry: 

1. Major Conference Themes

The festival was dominated by discussions around several major themes, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Retail Media, Sports Media, Gaming, Influencer Marketing, Data and Identity, Ownership of Intellectual Property (IP), and Attribution. These themes reflect the industry’s focus on leveraging technology and data to drive creativity and innovation. 

The emphasis on AI, Data and Identity underscores the growing importance of data-driven decision making in media and advertising. The discussions around Retail Media and Sports Media highlighted innovative fast-growing channels for reaching consumers in high-impact environments. The focus on Influencer Marketing reflects the industry’s continued belief in the power of social media and digital personalities to shape consumer behavior. 

Interestingly, the festival also highlighted the increasing importance of IP ownership. In an industry where creativity is currency, the ownership and protection of IP has become a crucial aspect of business strategy. Discussions around Attribution emphasized the industry’s belief that if outcomes can be measured, investment will follow. This reflects the growing demand for accountability and transparency in the industry. 

2. Gaming: The New Frontier for Advertising 

One of the standout themes of this year’s festival was the potential for advertising to become a more significant contributor to premium video game revenues. As gaming continues to grow in popularity, particularly among younger consumers, it offers a unique platform for advertisers to engage with hard-to-reach audiences in a more interactive and immersive way. The discussions around gaming at the festival highlighted the industry’s eagerness to explore this emerging advertising frontier and leverage its potential to expand audience reach and increase ad attention. 

3. Swanston Labs: Unlocking the Premium Game Advertising Opportunity 

The team from Swanston Labs, featuring key executives from the former Tru Optik, was a major attraction at the festival. Their expertise in helping businesses navigate the shift to streaming TV, streaming audio, and now gaming has made them a sought-after resource in the industry. The excitement around their presence among both game publishers and brand advertisers underscores the industry’s recognition of the important role gaming can play in the media mix and the belief that Swanston Labs can capture what has been an elusive opportunity. 


The Cannes LIONS Festival of Creativity 2024 was a testament to the dynamic and evolving nature of the media and advertising industry. It highlighted the industry’s readiness to embrace new technologies and platforms, and its commitment to innovation and progress. As we look forward to the next festival, it will be interesting to see how these themes continue to shape the future of our industry.